Weekly Basic Islamic Beliefs and Qur’anic Classes for Children & Youth


Assalamu Alaikum,

Canadian Association for Muslim Youth organizes special classes for children and youth on Islamic beliefs and values. These classes are held twice a year in Calgary. To register in these classes please complete the Registration Form and mail it at the given address OR call in Calgary (403-831-6330.

Course Topics

  1. Fundamentals of Islamic Beliefs
  2. Attributes of Allah
  3. Attributes of Prophets (peace be upon them)
  4. Salat in Practice
  5. What is Hereafter?
  6. Does Heaven or Hell Really Exist?
  7. Concept of Friendship in Islam
  8. Islamic Concepts of Cleanliness and Hygiene
  9. Attributes of Saleheen (people who are loved by Allah)
  10. Rights of Children in Islam
  11. Parents and Children – roles & responsibilities
  12. Importance of healthy living.
  13. Peer Pressure and How to handle it?
  14. Living Together vs. Marriage
  15. Relationship with non-Muslims
  16. Smoking and Drugs
  17. Time Management
  18. Organization and Communication Skill
  19. Presentation Skills
  20. Leadership Skills
  21. Safeguarding against bullying and abuse.

Canadian Association of Muslim Youth, Calgary

4616 80th Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta T3J 4B7, Canada


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