A Joint Statement Regarding Robert Spencer’s Visit to Calgary


Date: April 27, 2016 For Immediate Release

A Joint Statement Regarding Robert Spencer’s Visit to Calgary

We, the undersigned organizations, are deeply concerned about the appearance of Robert Spencer and the potentially harmful consequences that might arise from his lecture sponsored by the Jewish Defense League of Calgary. With open minds and open hearts, we have expended considerable effort toward building relationships of respect and trust among clergy and members of the Christian, Jewish, and Muslim communities in Calgary. It is our deeply felt conviction that dialogue and education will replace stereotypes, prejudice, and misunderstanding with a greater recognition of the common values and traditions that we share in our pursuit of peace and harmony locally and globally. Mr. Spencer, on the other hand, represents the forces of intolerance, racism, and Islamophobia. His writings and lectures have been widely condemned by human and civil rights organizations throughout N. America and criticized by academicians for his tendentious and skewed scholarship. His incitement to hatred has resulted in him being barred from entrance into the UK. We strongly disavow the dangerous message of Mr. Spencer and call upon Calgarians of all faiths and backgrounds to pursue the path of religious literacy and to support efforts to build bridges of respect and understanding between the diverse communities that make our city a vibrant and cooperative model of the Canadian value of multiculturalism. Calgary Interfaith Council Murray Nicholson 403-660-1552 Calgary Council of Christians and Jews Larry Spackman 403-850-2517 Calgary Jewish-Muslim Council Imam Syed Soharwardy 403-831-6330 Rabbi Shaul Osadchey 403-255-8688 FCJ Christian Life Centre Sr. Ger Curran 403-228-4215 Hussaini Association of Calgary-Canada Imam Hadi Hasan 587-703-4157 Islamic Supreme Council of Canada Imam Syed Soharwardy Muslims Against Terrorism Imam Syed Soharwardy

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