Date: May 14, 2005
Press Release
Barbaric Actions of American Intelligence Agencies in Guantanamo Bay
Canadian Government must protest to the American government
Islamic Supreme Council of Canada (ISCC) President Syed Soharwardy have very strongly condemned the barbaric desecration of the holy Qur’an, which is a crime and evil action committed by some American soldiers or criminal American interrogators at the U.S. Guantanamo Bay Naval Base prison in Cuba.
The illegal act of flushing a holy Qur’an down a toilet at the U.S. prison is a blasphemous crime against God, which reported in Newsweek magazine’s issue of 9 May 2005 and the Chicago Tribune edition of 5 August 2004.
According to Newsweek, May 9 2005 issue – “Investigators probing interrogation abuses at the U.S. detention center at Guantanamo Bay have confirmed some infractions alleged in internal FBI e-mails that surfaced late last year. Among the previously unreported cases, sources tell Newsweek, the interrogators, in an attempt to rattle suspects, flushed a Qur’an down a toilet and led a detainee around with a collar and dog leash. The Chicago Tribune Staff Reporter E.A. Torriero wrote: “The allegations – the most detailed from former Guantanamo detainees – claim that guards harassed and beat detainees and routinely tossed inmates Korans (Qur’an) into prison toilets.
This incident of the desecration of the holy Qur’an at Guantanamo Bay prison has exposed the prejudices of American troops and the extremist American leadership. It has tortured the Canadian Muslims in particular and the entire Muslim world in general. ISCC is exploring the options to sue the America government for the torture Canadian Muslims suffered from this incident.
ISCC held an emergency meeting of its executive council and asked all the Imams and leaders to organize rallies against the American terrorism. ISCC demanded the Canadian government to condemn the barbaric action of American forces in Guantanamo Bay and protest against the horrible action of American troops.
ISCC strongly condemns the shameless and humiliating closed-lips of all Muslim governments in Muslim countries. These governments have lost all dignity and respect. They must be removed by democratic governments to be elected by the citizens of Muslim countries.
ISCC will be organizing protest gatherings in Vancouver, Toronto, Calgary and Montreal. Following are the details of these protest rallies
- Vancouver, Fiji Islamic Centre, Surrey, BC @ 9:00 PM on May 14,
- Calgary, Al Madina Islamic Centre, Calgary, NE @ 10 :30 PM on May 15, 2005
- Mississauga., T. L. Kennedy Secondary school, 3100 Hurontario St, Mississauga @ 9:00 PM on May 20
- Montréal, Canadien Islamique Centre, Dollar Des Ormeaux @ 9 :00 PM on May 21, 2005
For more information, please call (647)-294-4833 OR Toll Free (866)-208-6898
Syed Soharwardy
Islamic Supreme Council of Canada