Date: December 4, 2007
By Sayyid Ahmed Amiruddin
Deputy of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-Haqqani Chairman, Ahlus Sunnah Foundation of Canada
Al Maghrib Institute was founded by Mohammed Alshareef, a Salafi preacher who is graduated from Saudi’s ‘Madinah University’, the same university from where, according to the Harvard Graduate School of Education, fifteen out of nineteen 9/11 hijackers graduated and from where international terrorist Osama bin Laden himself graduated (1).
Currently, Al Maghrib operates in the United States and in Canada , once claiming on its official website to have “the largest Islamic student body in North America ”. Its activities are beyond doubt a means to convey to hundreds, if not thousands, of unsuspecting North American Sunni Muslim youth the ideas and beliefs of the Wahabi and Salafi sect, who reject moderation in their faith, the following of expert interpretations (Madhabs) of any one of the four Sunni schools of jurisprudence, and label Sunni Muslims and their ‘Ulema as ‘pagans’ and ‘grave worshippers’ (2).
‘Shaykh al-Islam fil-Balad al-Haram’
For many years I have been trying to warn Muslims and Canadians of all faiths of the dangers of the Al Maghrib Institute, which is a Saudi backed front spreading heresy and hate throughout North America, and a front set up to destroy the traditional Islamic faith of the Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah(3).
Today, my attention was drawn upon some more disturbing information on the organization and one its teachers. After reading over the information and verifying it, I felt it necessary to let history record that I did my best to defend a grandson of the Apostle of Allah (uwbp) and to make an effort to expose Al Maghrib and its heresies once again, so as to warn Muslims to refrain from sending their children to their satanic seminars.
The grandson of the Apostle of Allah (uwbp) I am speaking of, upon whom Al Maghrib Institute and its unfortunate instructor Yassir Qadhi, pronounced takfir (labeled an unbeliever) was one of the greatest contemporary scholars ofAhl al-Sunnah in Arabia this century; Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki, al-Makki (may Allah have mercy on him).
For those who do not know about the late Muhaddith of Hijaz; Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi ibn ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-Makki, here is some background information on the respected Shaykh to consider. The Shaykh was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad (uwbp). He was the first “Saudi” to receive a PhD. from Sunni Islam’s foremost seat of learning, Al Azhar. He held over 200 Ijazah’s in Hadith, Aqedah, Fiqh, Usool etc.Shaykh ibn ‘Alawi’s family taught in the Haram in Makka Al Mukkarama as did the Shaykh himself, from the age of 15.
He was titled ‘Shaykh al-Islam fil-Balad al-Haram’, the educator of Ahl al-Sunna and light of the House of the Prophet in his time, a major contemporary Scholar of Hadith, commentary of Qur’an, Law, doctrine, tasawwuf, and Prophetic biography (sira), the most highly respected authority of Ahl al-Sunna in the Mother of Cities, and passed away in 1425/2004. Both his father (d. 1971CE) and grandfather were the Imams and head preachers of the Sacred Mosque in Makkah, as was al-Sayyid Muhammad himself beginning in 1971 and until 1983. May Allah have mercy on them and continue to benefit us with them. He single handedly refuted each and every one of theWahabi/Salafi scholars of Najd .
Al Maghrib’s Takfir on the late Muhaddith of Hijaz
Keeping in line with the practice of their spiritual forefather Hurqus ibn Zuhair, the first of the Khwarijites who offended the Apostle of Allah (upon whom be peace and blessings) by saying, “be just in your distribution O Messenger of Allah” as recorded by both Bukhari and Muslim, Al Maghrib Institute, through its unfortunate instructor Yassir Qadhi, accused the Muhaddith of Hijaz Shaykh ibn ‘Alawi, of ‘being the leader of shirk and kufr of his time’.
What follows is the quote from Al Maghrib instructor Yassir Qadhi against the Sayyid, Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki; the instructor of Ahl-al Sunnah in the land of the Prophet, and the Mother of Cities, Makka AlMukkarama:
“While it is the general policy of Al Maghrib not to quote individuals, I make exceptions in certain cases – this being one of them. Alawi al-Maliki is one of the most revered of modern Sufi personas – to speak evil of him is tantamount to apostasy in the eyes of many of his followers. For them, he is the leader of the awliya of Allah.
Yet, it is no exaggeration to state that he was one of the most active proponents in our times of blatant acts of shirk (in all three categories – please read some of the quotes that are in Abu Yusuf’s message in Arabic, and I can assure you that I’ve read them in the original sources and they are accurate). How is it possible that he be of the awliya of Allah when he spent most of his energies directing mankind to worship the ‘awliya’ instead of Allah? Anyone who doubts this statement of mine should read his quotes again – with an open and honest mind.
The sad fact of the matter is that for most Sufis it is simply taboo to mention anything negative about this person. I personally have seen ‘moderate’ Sufis, when quoted ideas and statements that al-Maliki propagated, vehemently deny that Sufiyyah has anything to do with such concepts, yet when they are shown *who* said them they become defensive and try to find excuses for this ‘wali’.” (4)
A Response
In response to this accusation against such a prominent Muhaddith, one who held over 200 Ijazahs to convey the religion of his grandfather (peace and blessings be upon him), and based upon Al Maghrib’s own claim that it has the ‘largest Islamic student body in North America’, I ask those who opposed my stern stance against them, “what can be more harmful to the future of Islam in North America and to Muslim youth than Al Maghrib Institute and it’s proclaiming takfir upon ‘Ulema whose understanding of the traditional Islamic faith has been deemed authentic since the inception of Islam? Why wouldn’t we call Al Maghrib an institute of false innovations and heresy, and one which should be shut down for good, when they are guilty of such heinous crimes against Islam and the Muslims?” It is no wonder then, that the Mercy to the Worlds (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have stated, “The Khawarij are the dogs of Hell-fire.”
The sad reality is, today more and more young North American Muslims are being led astray by Wahabism and its heretical beliefs and interpretations on a daily basis. A leader in the proliferation of such heresies amongst North American Muslim youth is without doubt the Al Maghrib Institute, which according to itself has ‘the largest body of Islamic students in Canada and America ’. This organization is teaching Muslim youth that Allah ‘is (literally) in the heavens, sitting upon His Throne’. According to a fatwa issued and signed by the leading ‘Ulema of Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, Sunni Islam’s foremost seat of learning, those who ascribe to such beliefs ‘leave the fold of Islam’ and are not to be buried amongst the Muslims after they die (5).
In addition to being the leader of spreading such heresies amongst North American Muslim youth, Al Maghrib Institute agrees with the Salafi position that the Green Dome (Gunbad-e-Khadra) of the Prophet (uwbp) needs to be destroyed (6), that it is against the “sunnah” to follow a Madhab (7), and that the Ashari and Maturidi aqeedah are false (8). After themselves being guilty of splitting from the vast majority of Ahl al-Sunnah on virtually all matters of importance, it becomes questionable whether a “kafir” himself is fit to pronounce “takfir” upon an upright scholar and saint, the likes of Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi ibn ‘Abbas ibn ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Maliki al-Hasani al-Makki? (9).
Hence, it is our humble request to Muslim parents that they be more vigilant against such heretical organizations working to destroy their faith, prevent their children from attending their satanic seminars and help bring more awareness to other concerned parents of the dangers of the proliferation of the Wahabi/Salafi interpretation of Islam which Al Maghrib Institute and its instructors are working so hard to bring to the forefront as the Islam of Muslim youth in North America.
And Allah is the Greatest Protector.
- Harvard Graduate School of Education: Understanding the US-Al Qaeda Conflict.http://www.gse.harvard.edu/~t656_web/peace/Articles_Spring_2003/Gagnon_Jeffrey_USalQaedaConflict.htm
- ‘Advice to Our Brothers, the Scholars of Najd’by Kuwaiti Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs SayyidYusuf ibn SayyidHashim al-Rifaie
- Al Maghrib Institute, Islamic Fundamentalism, Madinah University , Al Qaeda, and the Saudi Connection
- YassirQadhi’s Takfir on Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki, al-Makki
- Al Azhar Fatwa on the beliefs of Wahabism:
From the Fatwas of the scholars of Azhar regarding the one who believes that Allah is in a material direction.
The imam and great scholar, the muhaddith, The Renewer of the Religion, Abu Muhammad, Mahmud Ibn Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Khitaab, Al-Subkiyy, Al-Azhariyy, the founder of the Association of Islamic Law in Egypt, the author of Al-Manhal Al-^Athb Al-Mawruud Sharh Sunan Abiy Daawuud (an explanation of Abu Daawuud), who died 1352 h., may God have mercy upon him, said in his book “Ithaf Al-Kaa¡¦inaat bi-Bayaan Mathhab Al-Salaf wa Al-Khalaf Fi Al-Mutashaabihaat”, page 2:
- What is the saying of the scholars, may Allah protect them, regarding the one who believes that God has a physical direction, and that He sits on the throne in a special place and says, “The Merciful established on the throne” and “Do you feel safe from who is in the sky?”Is this a valid or an invalid belief? If invalid, does the one who says so commit blasphemy so that all his previous works are annulled, such as prayer, fasting and other religious activities and is his marriage contract invalidated? If he dies in this state, before repenting, is he not washed and prayed for and buried in the graveyards of the muslims? Is the one who believed that what this one is saying is true, also a non-muslim, like him? What is your saying about what some people say that denying that Allah is attributed with the six directions (i.e. up, down, front, back and the two sides) is wrong, and that it entails denying His existence? Let us benefit from your showing of what the mathhab of the salaf and the khalaf in these two aayas, and other aayas, such as (“To Him ascend the good words”¨) and the hadith (“He descends to the sky of the world”¨) with a complete and satisfactory explanation.Include the sayings of the scholars of hadith, Quran-explanation, fiqh and tawheed, and clarify completely, so that the tongues of those who speak thoughtlessly are silenced – those who liken Allah to His creation and believe that what the khalaf scholars did in terms of ta’weel (interpreting figuratively) is blasphemy, while claiming that this is the way of the Jahmiyyah, the blasphemous sect, and spread this rumor among the common people. May Allah reward you!
The Answer of The Imam Abu Muhammad Mahmud Khitaab Al-Subkiyy
- The answer of the Imam Abu Muhammad Mahmud Khitaab Al-Subkiyy: So I answered, by Allah’s help, and said: In the name of Allah, the one who is merciful to muslims and non-muslims in this life, but only to muslims in the next. Praise to Allah, the Creator of true guidance, and may Allah raise the rank of the one who was given wisdom and clear speech, and of those who support him and his companions, whom Allah guided and gave success and steadfastness. After saying that, the judgment is that this belief is invalid, and the one who believes it is a non-Muslim by the consensus of those who count among the scholars.
A list of scholars that signed this fatwa
After writing this, I have shown this answer to a number of honorable scholars of Azhar University , and they have agreed and signed it, and they are the following distinguished companions of ours:
Sheikh Muhammad Najdi, the sheikh of the Shaafi^i followers.
Sheikh Muhammad Sabii^ Al-Dhahabi, the sheikh of the Hanbaliyy followers. Sheikh Muhammad Al-^Azbi Rizq, the lecturer in the higher section.
Sheikh Abd-ul-Hamiid ^Ammaar, the lecturer in the higher section.
Sheikh Ali Al-Nahraawi, the lecturer in the higher section.
Sheikh Dusuuqi Abdullah Al-Arabi, from the Council of the Great Scholars.
Sheikh Muhammad Al-^Azbi Rizq, the lecturer in the higher section.
Sheikh Ali Mahfuuth, the lecturer in specialization section of Azhar.
Sheikh Ibrahim ^Iiaarah Al-Daljamuuni , the lecturer in specialization section of Azhar.
Sheikh Muhammad ^Alyaan, from great scholars of Azhar.
Sheikh Ahmad Makki, the lecturer in specialization section of Azhar.
Sheikh Muhammad Husain Hamdaan.
- “We hope one day we will be able to destroy the dome (Gunbad-e-Khadra) of the Prophet Mohammed” leading Wahabi cleric Sheikh Mohammed bin Othaimeen, quoted by the Institute for Gulf Affairs.
- Al Maghrib Boycott:
- “A Refutation of the AshareeAqeedah” By YassirQadhi
- YassirQadhi’s Takfir on Shaykh Muhammad ibn ‘Alawi al-Maliki, al-Makki
[Note: ISCC not necessarily endorses the opinions expressed in the letters that are sent to ISCC]