The Walking Imam
First Muslim Who Walked Across Canada and Made History MUSLIM IMAM WALKS 6500KM FOR PEACE He Inspired…
First Muslim Who Walked Across Canada and Made History MUSLIM IMAM WALKS 6500KM FOR PEACE He Inspired…
An Interview with Syed B. Soharwardy by Peter J. Sanford Question 1 Are attacks on…
Calgary imams fight back against ISIS recruitment The Daily Star (Lebanon) | April…
Calgary imams fight back against Islamic State recruitment The Express Tribune | April 15, 2015 By…
Calgary imams fight back against Islamic State recruitment i24 News | April 15, 2015 Fatwa…
Calgary imams fight back against Islamic State recruitment Dawn | April 15, 2015 AFP — UPDATED APR…
Calgary imams draw line in sand in fight against Islamic State recruitment The Japan Times…
Calgary imam counters Christian vs. Muslim narrative after deadly attack Calgary Herald | Published on: April 3,…
Calgarians join in prayer for victims of Kenya attack Global News | April 3, 2015…
Date: April 02, 2015 For Immediate Release ISCC & MAT Strongly Condemn Terrorism Against Christians…
Harpreet Singh Show | March 30, 2015
Journalists Within Borders By using social media to report on #ISIS from home, journalists risk…
Letters for Wednesday, March 25 Calgary Herald | March 25, 2015 Heroic fatwa Re: “Train terrorists guilty,”…
Breakenridge: Not all Albertans have evolved in their attitudes toward gays Calgary Herald | Published on: March…
In a polarizing election year, Harper’s disturbing rhetoric The Chronicle Herald | Published March 16, 2015…
CBC Radio | March 14, 2015 Please listen to Imam Syed Soharwardy’s interview below:
Islamic State Accused Of ‘Violating Teachings Of The Quran,’ Canada Imams Issue Fatwa Against ‘Greedy’…
Canadian imams issue fatwa against IS group, denounces them as ‘not Muslims’ The China Post…
Canadian imams issue fatwa against ISIS Al Arabiya | March 12, 2015 In a fatwa…
Canadian imams issue fatwa against IS iafrica | Thu, 12 Mar 2015 9:07 AM An…
Des imams canadiens lancent une fatwa contre le groupe EI Le Devoir | 12 mars…
أئمة كنديون يصدرون فتوى ضد تنظيم داعش Al-Aan | March 12, 2015 أخبار الآن…
Canadian imams issue fatwa against ISIS Yahoo News Canada | March 2015 Please view the…
Syed Soharwardy, Muslim cleric, issues fatwa against ISIS Imam says group’s violent ideology is violation…
Calgary imam declares ‘fatwa’ on ISIS and denounces the terrorist group’s efforts to recruit Canadians National…
Canadian imams issue fatwa on Islamic State Imam Syed Soharwardy and 37 other Muslim leaders…
Calgary Imams denounce ISIS CTV News | March 11, 2015 CTV Calgary: Calgary Muslim leaders…
Updated: Calgary imam declares ‘fatwa’ on ISIL Calgary Herald | March 11, 2015 DYLAN ROBERTSON, CALGARY…
Canadian imams issue fatwa on ISIL Parry Sound | March 11, 2015 CALGARY – A…
Canadian imams condemn Islamic State and its supporters The Globe and Mail | March 11, 2015…
Calgary imam creates fatwa against ISIS Global News | March 11, 2015 By Dallas Flexhaug,…
Des imams canadiens lancent une fatwa contre l’EI ICI Radio Canada | March 11, 2015 Mise à jour le mercredi 11 mars 2015 à 19 h 30 HAE…
Le Journal de Québec | March 11, 2015 Please view the article at the link…
Canadian imams issue fatwa on ISIS supporters, calling them non-Muslim CTV News | March 11,…
The Globe and Mail | March 11, 2015 Please view the video at the link…
The Canadian Times | March, 2015
Calgary Imam Syed Soharwardy seeks support for anti-ISIS edict Calgary Sun | March 09, 2015BY…
Of mudholes and landscapes: seeing terrorism in perspective Cochrane Eagle | March 05, 2015 Thursday,…
Imam believes Anti-Islam movement is rising in Calgary 660 News | March 03, 2015 by…
Calgary Muslims Fight Radicalism OnIslam | March 02, 2015 OnIslam & News Agencies Monday, 02…
Muslim leaders stand united with fellow Calgarians in battle against extremism CTV News Calgary |…
Date: February 24, 2015 For Immediate Release STOP Child Abuse in Ontario Parents Know the…
Calgary Herald did a survey on Imam Syed Soharwardy’s request to conduct a national inquiry…
Muslim leaders strategize to thwart converts from radicalization CBC Radio | February 20, 2015 What…
Cornies: Saudi allies also breed the terror we are fighting against LFPress | February 20,…
PCCA Web TV | February, 2015
Justin Trudeau questions decision to appeal niqab ruling ‘Clear and compelling reason’ needed to limit…
Imams divided on how much scrutiny to give would-be Muslim converts in wake of recent…
Special celebration for Calgary Muslim community Calgary Herald | February 14, 2015 MARIO TONEGUZZI, CALGARY…
Stephen Harper Making Veil Issue ‘Unnecessarily’ Important: Muslim Group Huffington Post | February 14, 2015…
From JMag to Jihad John: the radicalization of John Maguire Ottawa Citizen | February 7, 2015…
Imam calls for national inquiry into radicalization Ottawa Citizen | February 6, 2015 ANDREW DUFFY, OTTAWA…
One of three men charged with terrorism has a reported Calgary connection 660 News |…
Calgary imam warns against preaching ‘open intolerance’ Timmins Press | February 3, 2015 By Brian…
Professor Imam Syed Soharwardy was one of the panelists at the Canada’s oldest annual student-run…
Saudi Arabia a ‘breeding ground’ for terrorism, imam tells committee iPOLITICS | February 2, 2015…
Please view Imam Syed Soharwardy’s testimony before the Senate’s Standing Committee on National Security and Defence…
Freedom of expression vs. religious sensibilities: What’s the balance? Anglican Journal | January, 26 2015…
Chakde TV | January 22, 2015
Canada’s anti-radicalization programs lacking against domestic terror recruitment Experts say federal anti-terror legislation could even…
CBC News | January 18, 2015 Please listen to Imam Syed Soharwardy’s interview on CBC…
Three men killed overseas identified by Edmonton Police as high-risk travellers Metro | January 15,…
“Not in Our Prophet’s Name” says Islamic holiday anti-terrorism campaign The News Mississauga | January…
CBC News | January 12, 2015 Please view the video at the following link:
“Not in Our Prophet’s Name” says Islamic holiday anti-terrorism campaign Inside Halton | January 11,…